10 signs of Boredom in Marriage
Boredom in marriage is not uncommon. What is important is to realise that your husband or wife is bored. If you know that your spouse is bored, you may still salvage your relationship. But if boredom creeps in unchecked, it will destroy your marriage. It is natural to be bored in a long relationship like marriage, but that doesn’t mean everything is over.
You need to watch out for the signs of boredom in your marriage. When you notice these signs it means your wife or husband is bored. And it is your responsibility to do something to make your relationship interesting. If you do not take the signs of boredom in your relationship seriously, your marriage will disintegrate like so many others these days. Boredom in a relationship has some very distinct signals. If you learn to read situations and behaviour of your spouse, you will be able to help yourself and your partner. If you want to save your marriage, be watchful of these signs of boredom.
No More Talks
There was a time when you both could talk through the night. But now, you hardly talk because you can’t find anything to say to either of you.
Intimacy Is Routine
Even in bed, you can predict your partner’s next move. Intimacy may be regular and routine but it is not exciting anymore.
Feel Like Siblings
You both still do love each other. But it is not the passionate love that you once shared. You feel affectionate towards each, more like how siblings do.
No Heated Discussions
In the initial stages of marriage, there are many intense fights and slamming doors. Fights are healthy for a relationship as they keep things interesting. But if you are too bored to fight, you are destroying your marriage.
Couch Potatoes
You both prefer watching mindless television to going out together or even talking to each other.
Prefer Friends To Spouse
You are excited at the prospect of spending some time with your friends away from your spouse.
Stop Dressing Up For Each Other
You don’t buy sexy lingerie anymore. You even forget to wax sometimes because you don’t care to look good for your spouse.
Don’t Remember Last Date
Going out together for a proper ‘date’ is a sign of romance still alive. But if you don’t remember the last time you to had a candle light dinner, boredom is killing your marriage.
No Surprises On Birthdays
You prefer to ask your spouse what he/she wants for his/her birthday. This is because you don’t think anything you buy will be a surprise to your spouse.
You Find Men/Women Attractive
You start feeling attracted to other men or women. This is a natural response to boredom because we all want to be excited and happy in our lives.
Source: boldsky