4 Day Career MasterPlan Workshop in Accra
April 19, 2016
Tuesday 10:00 AM (daily until April 26, 2016)
Achimota Golf Club
Accra, Greater Accra
4 Day Career MasterPlan Workshop
What’s your career plan? Is it the Business plan? Are you considering becoming an entrepreneur? Are you always on the “unsuccessful” list after every interview? Could the problem be your CV or your presentation skills is just below standard? This is why RecTrain Limited is here for you! We have a Masterplan for all your career headaches and are excited to announce our “4 Day Career Masterplan Workshop”. We want to be your “Personal Career Coach” where we will help you exploit your strength, conquer your weaknesses and ascertain your interest in order to react to change, opportunities and failures proactively rather than reactively. What’s that business idea you have? Let’s walk you through “How to develop a Business Plan”. In this era where everyone’s spirit of entrepreneurship has been rekindled by the lack of employment opportunities and the world’s economic state, you need to learn the dos and don’ts of becoming an effective entrepreneur. Allow us to sharpen your “Interview, CV Building and Presentation Skills. Join the train now!!! Kickoff is on 19th April, 2016. For more info, Call 0540115588