6 Habits of Highly Bonded Couples
If your marriage is good, these six things can help you grow closer. If your marriage is so-so, or even worse, they could help you give it a push in the right direction. We have learned these 6 habits of highly bonded couples…
1. Are courteous and kind to each other. A little kindness goes a long way. Try to treat your husband like he’s a good friend. If you’re rude and snippy to your husband, why will he want to be nice to you?
2. Talk about issues before they get out of hand. In marriage, you have to choose your battles, but if you sense that an irritation is becoming a major annoyance, you need to talk about it with your husband.
3. Believe in each other. If you think your husband is a loser, you’re going to treat him that way. Even if he has a track record of business failures or poor decisions, keep your opinion of those outcomes separate from who he is as a person.
4. Assume the best about each other. Look for the good things about your husband and assume the best in his actions and words. Instead of assuming that he has bad intentions, give him the benefit of the doubt before you jump to conclusions.
5. Live in a “we” world. Couples who are close use words that show they are set apart. Try to say, “Our bedroom, our house, our children, etc.” Think of you and your husband as a team.
6. Touch. It sounds corny, but hugs are healthy. So, hug your husband when he comes home, instead of just giving him a quick peck on the cheek or lips. Touch his shoulder while he’s driving; hold hands while you pray at church, offer to rub his back.aA
Source: IMOM