Ghanaian movie newcomer, Priscilla Mawuena made an impressive and stunning appearance at the premiere of ‘Single, Married & Complicated’ last Friday, at the Silverbird cinemas. Priscilla, who features in the movie, had movie lovers including some friends in the media asking ‘who’s that girl’ when she stepped on the red carpet in her elegant gown. So I decided to share some more info on her!!!
Priscilla Mawuena, popularly known as Prilla was born on in Accra where she has lived most of her life. She began her early childhood education at Christian Home School, Primary and Junior High school at Seven Great Princess Academy all in Accra and then gained admission into Ola Girls Senior High School for her secondary school education. She recently completed the University of Ghana, Legon, where she studied Psychology.
During her days in Ola Girls Senior High School, she was elected as the class SRC rep. for her year group which according to her, helped install some sense of responsibility in her. She was also part of the entertainment committee where she familiarized herself with stage drama, hosting events and general stage performances. She was also very active in sports which got her a lot of awards.
Upon completion of Senior High School education, she had the privilege of representing her Alma Mata in the “Ghana Youth Ambassador Contest” popularly known as “Mr & Miss SSS” where shewas 2nd runner up nationwide. She also presented a few shows on a campus entertainment. She is currently about to do national service.