Ongoing alleged rape case of ace broadcaster and entertainment personality, Kwasi Kyei Darkwah, widely known as KKD, has been the hottest in the news since his arrest on December 27, 2014.Many Ghanaians, home and abroad, have gained popularity via their social media pages for their opinions on the alleged rape case which prosecutors are pressing on despite the alleged victim’s disinterest.Among the long list of people who expressed their feelings on the matter included Lydia Forson, John Dumelo, Yvonne Nelson, American-based radio presenter, Naa Ameley Tagoe aka Tulip and blogger Malaka Grant.
Now, Hiplife artiste and host of Kasahari Levels on Accra-based radio station, Adom FM has joined the bandwagon by releasing a song titled ‘KKD’.
The song produced by Kasapa Beats under the Asuoden Music label has the KKD issue all over it, of which the rapper recently dismissed on his radio show.
During the radio show on Saturday night, Pope Skinny interviewed himself about the use of ‘KKD’ as title for the new song and if he had wanted to gain some popularity out of the woes of the aggrieved broadcaster.
He responded with an explanation that the choice of ‘KKD’ for the title was not because of the broadcaster but because the letters K.K.D are initials of his name, Kwame K. Darko.
As it stands now, it is public knowledge that Pope Skinny was christened Edwin Ohene Darko, he will be pardoned with the name Kwame since he was born on a Saturday. But what about the other K?
Anyway, that’s a smart move especially when the case is in court to avoid any legal repercussions.