+233 50 450 1051 | +233 50 490 1051 info@anapuafm.com

What you can expect from ANAPUA FM 105.1

We never sell, trade, or give away any personal information about our members, ever.

We have occasionally asked listeners to take part in surveys about public radio web site use. Any information collected is only used in aggregate form – not tied to any individual human being. Surveys don’t even ask for identifying information, such as name or address.

We can’t tell who you are because you came to our web site, and we can’t tell what page you’re on right now.

For our own statistical purposes, some basic information is collected anonymously about our site visitors’ browser or operating system choices, and we use IP addresses to track behavior like how much a particular music file has been listened to. Again, that can never be traced back to a particular person.

Note: It’s important to make sure whatever Web browser you use is the most recent version available, for security reasons. We like Firefox and Chrome.

We cannot sell or give you audio copies of any of our programming. We cannot help you download any music from our site, even for your own personal use. We do not own the rights to the songs, so we cannot distribute them; that’s copyright infringement.

A few of our pages place a “cookie” in the browser files of a user’s computer, which will enable us to determine the user’s operating system, browser type and version, and it allows systems like the Bulletin Boards to recognize that you’ve gone from one page to another as the same logged-in person. The use of cookies is an industry standard, and you will find them used on most major web sites.

A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that is transferred from a web site to the hard drive of your computer.  A unique number identifies your browser but does not provide any personal information about you at all. Since cookies are only text files, they cannot run on your computer, search your computer for information or transmit any information to anyone.

You have the ability to configure your browsers to refuse acceptance of cookies. A cookie cannot pass on a computer virus, or even capture your e-mail address.  If you choose to disable cookies, you will not be able to post messages on our Blog system.

How do I ask for my data to be deleted?

To request for data gathered to be removed please send an email to info@anapuafm.com stating what personal data gathered you want us to remove.