Actress and TV show host Valentina Agyeiwaa better known as Afia Schwarzenegger appears intent on stripping every cloak of decency left on the founder and leader of God’s Way International Ministry Bishop Obinim who happens to be the husband of beloved gospel singer Florence Obinim.
Afia was the latest guest on Viasat 1’s the ‘One Show’ hosted by Anita Erskine. Anita sought to let viewers have a sense of Afia’s life before gaining fame in the once popular Afia Schwarzenegger Show whereupon Afia noted that her life journey has been a long one interspersed with lows and highs.
Afia also talked about her late husband who was shot dead on 5th October 2007 and how she managed to smuggle her kids back to Ghana from South Africa.
But clearly Afia had one mission in mind, to get a platform and throw salvos at her prey Obinim. At a point the ‘Kokooko and Afia Schwarzenegger Talk Show’ host had to remind Anita that if she continued answering other questions there will be little time reserved to deal with Obinim.
The little time she got she managed to put in these words: “I can’t go to bed thinking I didn’t say this and didn’t say that.
“If I had another chance erh, because I forgot to say certain things such as he Bishop Obinim said he will put oil on the floor. He should put the oil on his wife’s legs so that she will get these kind of legs” she added.
Afia had featured some of Obinim’s prophesying videos on her satirical show ‘Kokoko’ on UTV but the Bishop did not take kindly to the mocking and publicly castigated Afia at his church premises during a service. Although Afia also called Obinim names it appears the two will be attacking each other for some time until one tires.