Ghana State Book will end litigation- Ntotroso Omanhene
The Omanhene of Ntotroso Traditional Council in the Brong Ahafo region has said that the introduction of the Ghana State Book will end all land litigations.
Speaking at the launch of the Hwidiem State Book in the Brong Ahafo region, Berima Twereko Ampem II bemoaned the issue of countless land disputes in court due to the lack of documents clearly identifying the rightful owner.
He added, the Ghana State Book Will will give a clear boundaries of lands to all communities across the length and breath of Ghana to avoid time and money wasting in court rooms.
Berima Twereko Ampem II narrated that the launching of state books will promote the history of all communities in the country while educating the younger ones.
The Omanhene spoke on behalf of the President of the Brong Ahafo House of Chiefs as the Chairman of the Hwidiem Sate Book launch who was off on national assignment in Accra.