Ghana to Become Tech-Friendly Hub for Innovation – FORBES
ALL AFRICA – One of the world’s influential business magazines, Forbes, is predicting an enviable status for Ghana within the next decade in terms of technological advancement, should various interventions in the sector proceed unhindered.
The September 2013 edition of the Forbes Africa Magazine based its projection on a number of planned infrastructural developments being promoted by the government, private firms, international consortium and some individuals.
Forbes’ Muyiwa Moyela reports that “a consortium of Ghanaian and foreign firms look set to transform Ghana into a modern, tech-friendly hub for innovation in Africa”.
He cites the $40 million Ghana Cyber City, Appolonia City, King City and HOPE City Projects being promoted by a number of world class institutions, including the Renaissance Group of Russia, Xalles Ltd. in Washington, USA, Ernst & Young New York and the Dubai-based AGAMS Holdings, whose leading subsidiary, Rlg Communications Group is expected to commission a $100 million PC and mobile device manufacturing center, the first of its kind in 2014.
The magazine singled-out AGAMS Group’ CEO, Roland Agambire who is promoting the $10 billion technology park with residential and office accommodation including the tallest buildings on the continent to be sited few miles from the Ghanaian capital, Accra.
A section of the international media, including the BBC and CNN have described the HOPE City project as ambitious, given the youthful nature of its promoter, 39 year old Agambire, who is also credited with pioneering the innovation of mobile phones and computer assembling for the first time in that part of Africa.
“This is turning out to be my biggest and most exciting challenge yet. I am extremely passionate about transforming Ghana into knowledge -driven economy”, Agambire, who is described by the magazine as an “incurable optimist” is quoted as saying.
He expressed optimism about the ability to raise funding from both local and international markets, promising that “any investor who invests in HOPE City will recoup his investment within 5 years, including making a projected turnover of over 250%”.
The HOPE City Project was unveiled in March this year, and is expected to be completed in three years time.