HOT! Miss Curacao Shows Off Banging Body…Shares Sexy Bikini PHOTOS.
This is Miss Curacao 2012, Monifa Jansen, and she’s become quite popular on instagram because of her banging body. She shared these sexy bikini photos on her IG page.
Is Curacao a Country, State, City or just an island?
Is Curacao a Country, State, City or just an island?
]Curacao’s “status” in the world can be pretty confusing. A lot of visitors have asked me to explain it to them. At first nobody understood what I was talking about. With time I became a “professional Curacao status explainer”… if there is such a thing. So let me explain it to you.
In one sentence we can explain Curacao’s status as: A country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. What that means is that everything that happens on the island (internal affairs) is governed locally and everything that happens abroad (international affairs) is governed by the Netherlands. It can be compared to the relationship between the U.S. and Puerto Rico.
The Passport situation
As a result of the status Curacao has, locals have a Dutch passport. We are all Dutch and that is our official nationality. There is no such thing as a Curacaoan nationality. One of the many reasons why Dutch is spoken in Curacao.
But, Why?
Things are the way they are because that is what the population wanted. As mentioned before, the whole situation is very confusing. To explain it, we will have to dive a little into history. In 1954, the six Dutch Caribbean islands became one country under the name Netherlands Antilles. Each island (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, Statia and St. Maarten) was a state of the Netherlands Antilles.
In 2004, Curacaoans decided in a poll that they no longer wanted to be a part of the Netherlands Antilles anymore. Instead we wanted to be our own country in the Dutch Kingdom. That wish was granted on October 10, 2010. So at the moment of this writing, Curacao is just three years old.
It has to be made clear that the island of Curacao is not an independent country. Opinions vary immensely on whether or not we should become independent. Just 10 years ago the island decided to have the status it has now.
To some it is exactly what they wanted, while others believe we should have gone with a different choice. Everyone can have their own opinion. Only the future knows what will happen next. For now Curacao is a Country, a State and an island with Willemstad as its capital.