Newmont Urges Ghana Mineworkers Union To Engage In Good-Faith Dialogue.
Newmont Ghana has urged the Ghana Mineworkers Union (GMWU) to reconsider its intention to strike and resume good-faith negotiations as the most effective way to preserve and promote the best interests of its members.
Newmont Ghana’s appeal to the GMWU’s leadership follows the union’s notification of its intention to strike over salary and collective bargaining negotiations. The parties have been engaged in a negotiation process since early 2014 and have not yet reached agreement on compensation and other benefits that will provide predictability, while ensuring the business remains sustainable in an unstable gold price, electric power and business environment.
“There are a number of legitimate reasons contributing to the drawn out negotiation process on both sides,” said Pascal Kanbonnabah, Newmont’s Regional Vice President, Human Resources. ”Despite this, we believe a fair and equitable agreement can be reached soon and that a strike is not in the best interests of the GMWU’s membership and would only further complicate the process. All parties should continue to act in accordance with the terms of the Collective Agreements and the laws of Ghana which govern our relationship.”
The company remains committed to reaching a negotiated, mutually beneficial settlement which ensures the long-term sustainability of the business and the jobs, incomes, tax revenues and other benefits it provides.
“It is in everyone’s best interests to wrap up the negotiations as soon as possible so we can all focus on working safely to sustain our business and the incomes and tax revenues it provides to our employees, families, communities and government,” Kanbonnabah concluded.