Thrills, excitement, applause: Gracias Choir does it again.

Every year, the internationally acclaimed Gracias Choir from Korea proves to its Ghanaian patrons that, like a fine wine, they get better with each year – with every performance.
And last Monday’s Christmas-themed concert at the Accra International Conference Centre, which was filled to the brim with consistently applauding and excited audience, was no exception.
The young and energetic South Korean youth choir began Monday August 11, 2014’s show with a riveting rendition of the birth of Jesus Christ, complete with professional lighting techniques that brought heaven onto the Conference Centre stage at one point.
Yes, angels came on stage!
A perfectly timed ‘apparition’ of a group of graceful cherubs on the stage was greeted with a thunderous applause from the enchanted audience.
But that was just the beginning, because the next performance welled up giggles, more applause – and like any great story – a dab of ‘awww’, then more laughter and a standing ovation from the audience.
Witty, naughty and gritty Anna’s story to many patrons who spoke to Myjoyonline was the biggest performance.
Troublesome but playful Anna’s exploits both at home and outside eventually landed her in trouble. She finds herself removed from the comforts of the home she abuses, and after a taste of the harsh realities of life – unforgiving weather and hunger – she remembers the love and the care of home that she took for granted.
Anna reunites with her family and neighbours and all is beautiful again.
The crowning performance was the much-awaited opera rendition of some classic Twi songs by the choir which is predominantly made up of South Korean as well as nationals from the USA, Mexico among other countries.
Perhaps what makes Gracias Choir one of the most entertaining youth choir is their versatility and professionalism.
Patrons told after the show that they really liked the timely start of the concert and the perfect lighting technique to change the mood, and most of all the music – well tuned and heartwarming.