Where to find what on Day Two of the 2015 Joy FM Bridal Fair.

Lydia Female Contraceptives
At Lydia Female Contraceptives, ladies learn to embrace the Power of Choice as you get to pick the appropriate contraceptives you need in making sure you don’t take God’s command to go and replenish the earth literally.
There are 7 billion of us here already. At Lydia you will know how not to make it 7.1million by your own singular contribution.
Nancylette Body Passion
The power of pleasure is in its surprise and Langeries are the last mask of surprise in the bedroom. So at Nancylette Body Passion, an amoury of surprise in the bedroom will leave you at your creative best trying to keep that vital spark in your marriage.
And vital sparks is exactly what Rev. Samuel Kisseadoo will be talking about at the marriage seminar. That seminar will be no use if you get nothing from Nancylette Body Passion.
Events Organisations
Let’s face, excellent organisational skills is not an average Ghanaian quality. If we can agree on this, then calling Multi Decor or Red Carpet Events is a most logical conclusion for your BIG DAY.
For your wedding receptions, excellent lay-out and putting the VGMA atmosphere in your wedding come to Multi Decor or Red Carpet. Simplicta.
Black Secrets
It’s no longer a secret for that’s where all the ladies are trooping to for free make-up at the Joy FM Bridal Fair where with flair, the experts shape up the contours of your face, filling in all the little spots until you look like a target for an international magazine. You would not want to leave without buying something.
For jewelleries check: Nazarene, Artap, Twent5 Jewelleries
And check out 9TWENTY5 JEWELLERS
That’s where you get the shiny little bondage called your wedding ring.
The only karat size that is not here is the ones only cardinals are entitled to use. But for you – there is so much to choose from.
LG’ Wedding Fest
For sound, solid home appliances visit the Wedding Fest where LG has in stock microwave ovens, TV sets and everything electronic.
Remember the story about the divorce resulting from inferior home appliances the man bought before the wedding? Yeah. You wouldn’t want that to be you. And there are air-conditioners for you to create that rainy season effect in the bedroom when the dry season comes.
EKGS Culinary Institute
Weddings are about cakes but marriages are about cooking and EKGS gives you both. A wedding cake for the immediate one day occasion and cooking skills for the rest of the marriage.
Ladies, the way to a man’s heart hasn’t changed – it’s still the stomach. And guys, even Jesus cooked – fish.
– See more at: http://www.myjoyonline.com/entertainment/2015/july-3rd/live-update-where-to-find-what-on-day-two-of-the-2015-joy-fm-bridal-fair.php#sthash.GMtNTAy5.dpuf.