Caught on camera: Shocking scenes as young woman left unconscious in violent Dublin pizza restaurant brawl.
These are the absolutely shocking scenes where a young woman is left unconscious during a vicious fight inside a Dublin pizza restaurant.
The woman, who is from England, was visiting Dublin with a group of friends in fancy dress when they went into the Apache Pizza restaurant in the popular tourist destination of Temple Bar.
One customer of the restaurant becomes involved in a heated discussion with a member of staff behind the counter, when a man from Dublin intervenes and the pair start grappling.

One of the customers, second right, starts arguing with a member of staff behind the counter

A fellow customer steps in and tells the man that he would be willing to ‘see him outside’

Within seconds, both men start fighting while several customers begin filming the incident
Several customers try to split up both men, including the woman’s boyfriend, as they start exchanging blows in the middle of the restaurant.
The woman gets carried along on the outside of the group of men and slams the back of her head on the tiles after she falls over.
For several seconds, nobody notices that the girl is unconscious as the two men continue trying to hit each other.
The English guy is knocked to the floor and the Dublin man appears to try and stamp on him as the fight continues.
Several of the customers film the drama on their mobile phones.
Eventually, several people notice that the girl is in trouble and one woman tries to lift her from the ground, only to lose grip and leave her head crash against the tiles for a second time.
As the chaos continues, one person calls out for an ambulance, while a man, dressed like a zombie, leans over the girl claiming that ‘that’s my woman’.
The Dublin guy has been ushered out of the restaurant to be followed out by the man dressed as a zombie and the person involved in the original fight.

The fight took place in Apache Pizza on Dame Street in Dublin in the heart of the main tourist district

Both men start grappling and pulling each other around the store while other customers look on

The fight lasts for more than two minutes and despite the violence, there is no sign of the Gardai (Irish Police)
The zombie man shouts at the Dublin guy ‘that’s my woman, you ****,’ and tries to punch him.
The fight continues on Dame Street, which is only yards away from the world famous Trinity College on the edge of Temple Bar.
Since the video was uploaded onto the internet on Thursday it has started to go viral.
A spokeswoman for An Garda Siochana, the Irish police service, said they have no reports of the incident.
Dublin Fire Brigade, who provide an ambulance service for the city, said they could not comment on the girl’s condition.

Fellow diners video the shocking scenes as both men continue their late-night brawl in Dublin city centre

Empty fast food cartons are sent flying as one of the men is thrown violently onto the table

As the men continue to fight, the one woman, who is wearing fancy dress, is left unconscious on the floor

One of the men appears to try to stamp on the other brawler while he is lying on the floor of the restaurant

Some of the bystanders try to help the young woman and place her in the recovery position

One of the patrons, in the white shirt, tells bystanders that the girl on the floor ‘is his woman’ and storms out